I have been struggling within the past few months to write a blog that would shed light on where I am within my spiritual journey since the last pessimistic, and dare I say, modernistic, blog. As I have reread the last blog many times, I often thought of what type of taste I left in the mouth of not only myself, but the very few readers I do have. How many of the fair few was I able to push away with my pessimism, and what type of blog would I have to write to gain them back? But then I realized my whole point of writing a blog was not really for others, but ultimately to put my thoughts down and create a kind of time line of my journey through this life. That being said, the dedication that I have put into this blog to document my life in the past few months resembles the amount of dedication I had when I was required to document my eating habits for a health course in high school. So with this realization in mind, perhaps this may be a turning point in my documentation…or I will acknowledge that it could be just another false start. So we shall see. Believe me when I say, I as unsure as you are, how much dedication I will put forth in the future. So until next time, (which I hope will be soon), enjoy every breath that you have on this earth, because we never know how sweet this one will be compared to those of the future.
May peace enter into your soul and reside there even when the world tries to tear it from you.
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